Blogs and Articles

Lasting Power of Attorney

Published: January 30th, 2023
Giving someone you trust authority to help you make decisions As someone becomes more unwell, they’re likely to find it more difficult to manage money…
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Passing wealth down through the generations

Published: January 28th, 2023
Millions of retirees help out in cost of living crisis The rise in the cost of living is affecting millions of people. A third of…
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Protect your legacy

Published: January 27th, 2023
A better chance of passing on assets tax-efficiently If you want to pass wealth on to your children and grandchildren, it’s wise to contemplate when…
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Managing your estate and assets

Published: January 23rd, 2023
Key part of putting your affairs in order later in life This is an important part of wealth management, no matter how much wealth you…
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Long-term care

Published: January 22nd, 2023
Face the future with confidence As we get older, many of us will need help looking after ourselves. But what are the options when it…
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Complex risks in life that we all face

Published: January 21st, 2023
Understanding what options you have are key parts of the protection planning process There are various complex risks in life that we all face, such…
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An essential part of your plan

Published: January 20th, 2023
Financial protection for you and your family When you are off work due to an illness or injury, worries about how you are going to…
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Financial resilience

Published: January 19th, 2023
Protecting what is important to you When it comes to our money and our plans, it can be hard to balance short-term wants, long-term dreams…
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Boost your retirement income

Published: January 18th, 2023
Grow and protect your pension, both now and in the future For most, retirement will be funded in the main by a pension. It is…
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Getting your retirement finances in order

Published: January 17th, 2023
Ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable retirement As you approach the last five years before your retirement, there will be a lot of things…
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